My name is Lorelai Oana Balint. I was born in 1984 in Bucharest, Romania. Between 2003 and 2007 I studied Psychology at the West University in Timisoara, Romania. In the following years I came in contact with many types of therapies: conventional therapies, energy psychology, spiritual therapies and hypnosis. In 2017 I came across Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). I discovered how amazing EFT is while working on my own emotions. After this I wanted to know more about it, so I decided to study it at the Schlossberg Institut in Vienna.
Since I have discovered this extraordinary tool, I use it in my work and I am very pleased with the results I get, and so are my clients.
I love working with people and support them in finding the strength within. In my work I use a lot of  useful techniques, empathy and intuition.

  • Psychologist - West University, Timisoara, Romania (2003 - 2007) 
  • Certified Personal Development Counselor  
  • EFT Practitioner - Schlossberg Institut Vienna. 
    (member of the Optimal EFT Course by Gary Craig, USA)

  • Inherited Family Trauma Training - Mark Wolynn
  • The Voice Dialogue Course - Hal and Sidra Stone
  • Recall Healing Courses - Level 1 / Level 2 / Relationships /  Symbolism and Dreams / The sense of human skeleton: the body from head to toe / Depression, autism, OCD and addictions
  • Heart Healing Coach - Vienna, Austria
  • Compassion Focused Therapy Course
  • Introduction in Cranio-Sacral Therapy
  • Ho`oponopono  - The Art of Forgiveness
  • Psychological intervention in crisis situations/Psychological First Aid - course 
  • Introduction in SERE psychology - course 


Numele meu este Lorelai Oana Balint si m-am nascut in 1984 in Bucuresti, Romania. Intre anii 2003-2007 am studiat Psihologia la Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, Romania. In anii ce au urmat am intrat in contact cu multe terapii, printre care terapii conventionale, terapii alternative, spirituale si hipnoza. In anul 2017 am descoperit terapia numita Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Am avut rezultate extraordinare in lucrul cu propriile emotii, ceea ce m-a determinat sa folosesc aceasta metoda si in munca mea. Mi-am gasit astfel in sfarsit calea cea mai potrivita mie prin care sa lucrez cu oamenii si sa ii sprijin in gasirea puterii si a echilibrului interior. 


  • Psiholog - diploma de Licenta in Psihologie - Universitatea de Vest, Facultatea de Sociologie si Psihologie, sectia Psihologie, Timisoara. (2003 - 2007)
  • Consilier autorizat pentru Dezvoltare Personala 
  • EFT (Tehnica de eliberare emotionala) Practician - Schlossberg Institut, Viena
  • Trauma mostenita in familie - training cu Mark Wolynn
  • The Voice Dialogue  - Curs Hal si Sidra Stone
  • Recall Healing - Gilbert Renaud:
    Nivel 1 / Nivel 2 / 
    Relatiile / Simbolism si Vise / Scheletul uman: corpul din cap pana in picioare / Depresia, autismul, tulburarea obsesiv-compulsiva si dependentele
  • Heart Healing Coach
  • Terapie centrata pe compasiune  
  • Introducere in terapie Cranio-Sacrala
  • Ho`oponopono  - Arta Iertarii
  • Interventia psihologica in situatii de criza / Primul ajutor psihologic -  curs acreditat CoPsi
  • Introducere in psihologia SERE - curs acreditat CoPsi (Activitatea psihologului SERE / Aspecte psihologice ale supravietuirii in izolare/captivitate/ reintegrarea)

Alte workshop-uri la care am participat si care mi-au fost de folos in explorarea si dezvoltarea mea: Hemy-Sync (Excursion si Gateway), Respiratie holotropicaSacred Contracts (Contracte Sacre - lucrul cu Arhetipurile) cu Caroline Myss


 Mein Name ist Lorelai Oana Balint und ich wurde 1984 in Bukarest, Rumänien geboren. Zwischen 2003-2007 studierte ich Psychologie an der Westuniversität von Timisoara, Rumänien. In den folgenden Jahren kam ich in Kontakt mit vielen Therapien, einschließlich konventioneller Therapien, alternativer Therapien, spiritueller und Hypnose. Im Jahr 2017 entdeckte ich die Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Ich hatte außerordentliche Ergebnisse in der Arbeit mit meinen eigenen Problemen und so beschloss ich, mehr über diese außergewöhnliche Methode zu lernen und sie in meiner Arbeit zu verwenden.


  • Psychologin - Diplom in Psychologie, West Universität Timisoara, Rumänien. (2003- 2007; mein Diplom wurde in Österreich anerkannt)
  • Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Beraterin
  • EFT Practitioner - Schlossberg Institut Wien, Österreich

    • Inherited Family Trauma Training - Mark Wolynn
    • The Voice Dialogue Course -  Stimmendialog Methode Kurs mit Hal und Sidra Stone
    • Recall Healing - Level 1 /Level 2/ Relationships / Symbolism and Dreams / The sense of human skeleton: the body from head to toe 
    • Heart Healing Coach
    • Compassion Focused Therapy Kurs
    • Einführung in Cranio-Sacral Therapie
    • Ho`oponopono Kurs - Herzenstechnik für Heilung,
      Einführung in die SERE Psychologie

Out Beyond ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing there is a Field.
I´ll meet you There.